G.P.C.S (General Pest Control Service) 1 BHK


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Species category: Ant
Scientific Name: Paratrechina longicornis

A small ant species with an intensely-black colour. It has a prominent petiole which distinguishes it from the white-footed ant. This ant measures 2.5mm and is slightly smaller and stockier than the white-footed variety.

An Australasian native, they are found in rural and urban areas and are very prevalent in India.

They are often a pest of domestic environments and will build their nest in cracks or gaps, beside pathways. They generally enter the home in search of food.

Like other ant species, they will nest underground and also in voids, for e.g. roof voids or wall cavities.

They have a preference for sugary liquids and will tend to aphids and other bugs on domestic plants in order to feed off their sweet secretions. However, this species also feed on seeds and plants so can be a pest in stored food facilities.

They navigate away from and to the nest in trails. Follow the trail to find the nest. They will also swarm during the nuptial flight, which can be distressing for a building’s inhabitants.

This ant is considered more of a nuisance than a very destructive pest. It can encourage aphid growth which leads to extensive plant damage.

It’s also an expert at creating nests in difficult to spot cracks and crevices, making colony elimination a tricky task. There can be more than one queen in the colony and reproduction is fast.

The Black Ant causes primary damage to foods. It also contaminates areas with faeces and when it disposes of ‘rubbish’ from the nest – this is typically body parts of dead colony members.

Species category: Ant
Scientific name: Solenopsis geminata
Family: Formicidae

The Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) has a copper brown head and darker, reddish-brown body. The average worker ant reaches 2-6mm in length and it has strong mandibles with 4-5 distinct teeth. It has a distinguishing 2-part pedicel and its body is covered in numerous erect hairs.

A native of South America, the RIFA is also found in India and pose a threat to the environment.

Typically, they build their nest underground in mounds. The mounds are found in lawns or disrupting turf and have no obvious opening at the top. The RIFA is often discovered when someone inadvertently steps on a mound and they launch an attack.

Often congregating in massive colonies, this pest is small but incredibly aggressive and considered one of the most hostile of all ant species. Under threat of attack, they will launch a coordinated attack on their victim.

Colonies can have single or multiple queens and they can reproduce at a very fast rate. Their diet is generally organic matter but they will also invade the home looking for sweet products or other protein-rich foods.

Most feared for the painful attack launched when threatened, the RIFA has a persistent sting that leaves a white pustule. Even though they bite, it’s the venom of the sting that causes the residual pain and pustule.

Under attack, they emit pheromones which prompt other members of the colony to launch a synchronized attack. A multiple attack is incredibly painful and some victims can suffer an allergic reaction.

The mounds can also be a nuisance, disrupting root growth and disturbing plant formation which can result in lower yield crops and patchy turf growth.

Species category: Ant
Scientific name: Tapinoma melanocephalum
Family: Formicidae

Very small ants, the workers are 2mm long and have a pale, almost translucent abdomen and legs, hence the name. The head and thorax are a deep brown colour. The almost transparent body makes these tiny ants look even smaller again.

Found all across the world, they are one of the most widely distributed ant species.

Ghost Ants tend to prefer warmer, wet habitats. Colonies are generally located outside but there are also colonies that set up home inside. Indoor Ghost Ants select their habitats based on their preference for warmth and high moisture requirements. Their trails often lead to sinks, baths, toilets and showers.

The nests are frequently located within wall voids, behind skirting boards, or in potted plant soil. Workers run rapidly and erratically, trailing along edges and corners.

It’s an invasive species that forages for all kinds of nutrients and will live on grease and other insects but favours sweet foods. Ghost ants have polygene colonies (multiple queens in a single colony) with individual nests containing between 100-1000 workers. One colony may consist of several nests which readily exchange workers.

This ant’s love of sugary substances attracts them to the sweet secretions of aphids, which they protect and in doing so, allow the aphids to continue to destroy the plants they inhabit.

Indoors, they contaminate household foods by attacking any sugary items such as cakes, chocolate, sugar etc…

Species category: Ant
Scientific name: Technomyrmex albipes

A small, dull, and cloudy-black coloured ant which can reach up to 3mm in length during adulthood. It is distinguished by the pale colouration on all of its tarsi and antennae which are a whitish-yellow colour. Unlike the Common Black Ant, it features a single petiolar node which is hidden and has 12 antennal segments.

Present all across India and in many parts of the world, these ants are native to tropical Asia.

Nests are more commonly located outdoors and there are often additional nests in close proximity. These new nests are created by the process of budding, where a selection of male and female ants leave the original nest and start a new colony.

Nests can be found in trees, shrubs or anywhere that will accommodate a group of ants including brick voids and behind fascias.

These social ants are known to create incredibly large colonies that have a range of queens. Their reproduction potential is phenomenal due to the multiple fertile members of the colony. Some colony sizes are estimated at tens, even hundreds of thousands.

The White-Footed Ant is not a biting insect and primarily exists on sugary foods, particularly honeydew and occasionally proteins. Workers from this trailing species are very prevalent when foraging, as they can exist in large numbers.

Seen more as a nuisance rather than a pest, these ants are troublesome because of their large colonies and constant foraging in kitchens, bathrooms and the exteriors of buildings.

Agricultural and crop damage is often worse in the presence of White-footed ants as they protect aphids and other bugs in order to feast on their sweet secretions. Protecting these bugs, allows them to destroy the plants they inhabit.

Scientific name: Tineola bisselliella
Family: Oecophoridae

They are typically 7–8 mm in length when the wings are folded and have a 10-15mm wingspan.

Each female lays up to 160 eggs during a period of 2-3 weeks. During the summer these hatch in 4-10 days to give an active, white translucent larva. This grows up to 10mm in length and the head becomes darker in colour.

They are natives of Europe and Asia but are now widespread to various continents.

Common on animal products, they enjoy dark environments and domestically they are typically found in wardrobes, clothes chests, linen baskets and under beds.

Moths lay eggs on a food source which the larvae can eat. Clothes Moths select any type of natural fibre such as wool, silk or even cotton. The larvae feed themselves until pupal stage, destroying fabrics.

These insects hide in darkness and create tiny eggs, making it difficult to spot an infestation, allowing plenty of opportunity to multiply unnoticed.

They crave moisture, enjoying fibres with sweat, food or drink stains, even on clothes that have just been worn once.

Clothes moths attack animal products, for e.g. wool, fur, skins and leather. Fibres are bitten off and the loose ends discarded, destroying a much greater amount of the product than what is consumed.
All types of soft furnishings, carpets and clothing are vulnerable but more expensive fabrics tend to have holes first. Moths do not eat artificial fibres.

Scientific Name: Plodia interpunctella
Family: Pyralidae

The Indianmeal Moth has forewings which are reddish brown in colour with a copper sheen, their hind wings tend to be paler. Adults have a 16-20 mm wingspan. Larvae tend to be off-white, pink or brown depending on food and can travel large distances within a kitchen for pupation.

A native of America, the Indiameal Moth is now a cosmopolitan species.

It is the most common pest of stored products in household and grocery stores. Usually feed on grain products, seeds, dried fruit, dog food, spices, etc. One generation is usually produced but in warm conditions, adults will be present throughout the year and may produce 4-6 generations.

Most active from dusk until dawn, it rests during the day. This species is a particular pest of flour mills.

Mating takes place immediately after the adults emerge. Up to 350 eggs are laid and these may be stuck to various foods by a sticky secretion. The eggs hatch in 4-28days and the larvae spin silken tubes in which they live. After 3-5 moults the larvae are fully grown and 15-19mm long.

Larvae present a more serious problem, as it is their feeding and excretions that contaminate the produce. The adults do not feed.

The larvae produce copious amounts of silk which contaminates grains but this larval webbing also causes serious blockages in provender mills. The larvae eat holes in sifting silks and may also reach mill’s finished products.

The webbing may also cause condensation which leads to damaging molds.

Scientific Name: Corcyra cephalonica
Family: Pyralidae

The Rice Moth has a pale, buff-brown colour which is uniform and features no distinctive markings, the veins may appear darkened and the hind wings are almost translucent. It has a 15-25mm wingspan.

The larvae are dull, yellowish/white body and a dark brown head. They have long fine hairs that cover their body.

A native of the tropics, it now has a widespread distribution and is imported in foodstuffs.

This tropical species typically enjoys a warm climate but in temperate areas it can survive all year in heated stores. It is a major pest of stored foods and favours grains, particularly rice. They are common in flour mills but can be seen in all types of stored food areas.

This moth attacks grains, especially rice, but will also eat oil seeds, cocoa beans, dried fruit and spices.

It lays up to 160 eggs on or near a food source. The larval stage lasts 15-20 days in favourable conditions and the larvae will produce masses of strong webbing which it uses to form a dense cocoon in order to pupate. This stage will last 7-10 days.

Rice moth larvae contaminate food by producing large amounts of strong webbing and frass. This can bind food together and make foods unsuitable for sale or consumption.

Frass from the rice moth can also attract other stored food pests and increase the damage and contamination of the product.

Species category: Stored product pest
Scientific Name: Ephestia Cautella
Family: Pyraloidae

Typically an adult moth has a 12-18mm wingspan and is distinguished by an upper forewing which is dull grey-brown with a dark inner band that trails the outer edge of the wing and a broad pale band along inner edge.

The larvae are dirty white or may be tinged brown or have purple spots.
It has a cosmopolitan distribution and has spread throughout the world by travelling on imported stored food produce.

A tropical or subtropical species which is frequently located on imported cargoes. It is common in food production warehouses, particularly dried fruits, chocolate and cereal, where the larvae develop by chewing and feeding on produce.

Commonly also referred to as the Almond moth or Dried Currant Moth, it is typically found in dried fruit and nuts, although it will attack cereals, oil seeds and chocolate products.

Egg laying commences within 24 days of the adults emergence and up to 350 eggs are laid during the first 4 days. Where temperatures are low the moth overwinters as larvae.

It’s the larvae that damage produce; the adults do not feed and have a short lifespan.

Moth Larvae cause considerable damage to stored goods by chewing, feeding and contaminating with webbing and frass.
Adult insects are not responsible for damage.

Scientific name: Lepisma saccharina

An adult silverfish typically measures 15 mm. They are wingless with a sleek, tapered body that has scaly, silvery skin, making it slippery and easily able to slide into small crevices.

Their long antennae are used in the mating dance and the cerci which are 3 large appendages that protrude from the rear, are used to detect predators.

Found throughout India
Silverfish come into buildings in search of dark, damp areas and thrive in high humidity. They are commonly found in crevices and like gaps or cracks in buildings.

Silverfish are nocturnal and secretive insects that are difficult to spot making it easy for an infestation to occur. They have destructive feeding habits and will feed on an unusual diet which includes paper and glue, making wallpaper and books key targets. Unlike other insects, silverfish do not go through a metamorphosis, going straight from an egg to a nymph.

Silverfish can be very destructive and often go unnoticed until their feeding damage is identified. They can ruin carpets, furnishings and linen, in addition to paper and spoiling foodstuffs.

They ingest an incredibly wide variety of foods including cellulose, so can spoil shampoo and other beauty products.

Their faeces and excretions leave yellow staining.


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